
How to keep reading everyday

This morning, when I came to MSRA, I began to stay at fifth floor. The environment was better than that of 4F. We were in cubic, just like of our lab. We can not see many people in a glance. As in special groups, my friends, Xiaoyuan Cui, Huo Yong, Long Jiang, Ke Wu kept in 4F.

The first thing today was to fit my computer together and trim my materials. When I found the book Natural Language Understanding, I thought more.

Yes. We were in the age of great capacity for information. We could get so many nice books and wonderful papers. But we were same in the computer age. We were nearly submerged by so much daily information. So the result was that we did not read our nice books enough. There was a gap.

How to fill it? I knew a great scientist who read ten pages every day. When he was in his old age, he had read so many books. I believed again that if you could keep on doing something everyday, you would be successful of it. Nothing could obstruct you.

In my daily life, reading ten pages was not difficult. But I had not persisted in this habit. How to keep a habit? I had some experience. You could do it today firstly. Then tomorrow you do it again. After a week you would keep that habit. If this habit was not fit for you, after a week, you would exclude it.

So my current goal was reading ten pages everyday in this week. The reading material is the book Natural Language Understanding Second Edition.
