
Old roommate

This evening, when I was working in our lab, my old roommate, Yong He, came back to our campus. Hailong Chen and me took our blanketries to him. Since he had not taken any other things except some books and a wash bag.

After the fail of last enrollment exam of graduate, he took it again this year, and achieved some nice performance. Congratulation to him. I fell happy about his coming.

As had come in Harbin before an hour, he was hungry. We three came to the convenient eatery and had a simple meal.

Glad about his coming!

2 条评论:

Bill Lang 说...

Comment's author: Victor
03/15/2005 03:12:15 PM

Bill Lang 说...

Comment's author: Bill_Lang
03/15/2005 04:56:40 PM
呵呵,欢迎光临!欢迎常来看看 :)