
Coreference Resolution Results Analysis

Just now I had tagged about one hundred and twenty-five examples. And I divided them into two parts: one hundred for training and close test, twenty-five for open test. The experimental result displayed that the accuracy of the close test had direct ratio with that of the open test. The best wxperimental result was as follows:

Decision tree:

IJ全匹配 = T: T (12.2)
IJ全匹配 = F:
:...J是I的抽取 = T: T (4)
J是I的抽取 = F:
:...J是I的子串 = T: T (5.4)
J是I的子串 = F:
:...J的类型 in {H,P,O,T,G}: F (35.1/5.3)
J的类型 = D:
:...I的被修饰数量类型 = T: T (5.7)
I的被修饰数量类型 = F:
:...I的单复数 in {S,P}: T (22.5/2.9)
I的单复数 = U: F (15.2/3.9)

Evaluation on training data (100 cases):

Trial Decision Tree
----- ----------------
Size Errors
5 7 4( 4.0%)

Evaluation on test data (25 cases):

Trial Decision Tree
----- ----------------
Size Errors
5 7 1( 4.0%)

This result was so winderful for me too believe. After my analysis, I found out some reasons. First the close test with very high accuracy was too small. Second, the test samples were not enough.

But during some discuss with Mrs.Qin, she thought my method was right. I only should add twenty-five test amples and then get some new test result.
