
Most busys(2)

As had submitted the discription document of ACE evaluation, I could be concerned fully on the preparing for the presentation of Wearable Computing. Geted up at 6:30 like yeaterday, prepared the presentatio until 8:30, listened the Fault Tolerance class, continue prepared the presentation until 13:50, and beginning at 14:00 I began to do my presentation of "Power Management". However, I didn't think I prepared enough. What I could do was to present as well as I can.

The 35 minutes was hard to me. First I kept calm to describe the diagram one by one. But when I began to introduce the third part, I began to read the slides befor the audience. I knew it not well. As this part I prepared not well. At the end of my presentation, I read the five conclusions. As in the others' presentations, Dr.Daniel P. Siewiorek asked me a question about some points' meanings.

I struke my staff at Four-Flat. Today was the deadline we must remove to the Nine-Flat. After the class I removed in a hurry. It was tiring for us.

Came to the new bedroom, I felt novelty. When I came back at night, the domitory was quiet. It was good enough for me to read some materials.

