
Most busys(1)

This was the most busy day in my life. Yeah, I thinked so.

I dragged myself out of bed at 6:30, still half asleep, after my alarm clock had quivered for half an hour. About 6:50, I began to finish my ACE Evaluation task. Yeah! The simulating evaluation achieved good performance. The unweighted F value, total Value, and Value-based F score were 84.3%, 75.6%, 81.1%, respectively. Good news!! Following the original plan, I generated the final the 246 APF documents. When I checked the final documents, I found lots of the mentions clustered in right entities. But the "PRO" type mentions' accuracy was not good enough. I believed this was because of missing entity type and entity subtype. Just so. I wished we could gain good performance of the ACE evaluation.

At 8:50, I came to A315 quickly to listen the Falult Tolerance Class. The class was perfect, as in pure English.

So lucky that we were free this afternoon. Based on the system description of the ACE EDR, I added some new features and finished the ACE EDR Co-Reference algorithmic approach and system description. But when I finished this document, it was nearly 20:00. There were only four hours for me to complete the homework of the Fault Tolerance and make the powerpoint for presentation of tomorrow.

Time was very pressing to me. I read the papers as fast as I could. At 22:30, I had the outline in my mind, and began to prepare the ppt. Until the building administrator came here I finish half of it.

It was nearly 23:00 when I came back into my bedchamber. Today's homework I had not finished. Writing in a poor light, I completed it at 00:30.

Being busy could entich my life.

