
Statistical Relational Learning

SRL logoThis morning, when I searched some papers for clustering, I found statistical Relational Learning was very good for research. For Information extraction, it is core technology now. Sharing with you and welcome your adding:

Statistical Relational Learning:
  1. CS 590N (Spring 2007) - Statistical Relational Learning

  2. CMSC828G: Statistical Relational Learning and Link Mining

  3. CS 838 (Spring 2004): Statistical Relational Learning

  4. UT ML Group: Statistical Relational Learning

  5. University of Washington, CS&E-Statistical Relational Learning

  6. Andrew McCallum

  7. SIGKDD Special Issue: Link Mining. Dec. 2005

  8. SRL 2006

  9. SRL 2004

  10. SRL 2003

  11. SRL 2000

