
How to do research? In my view.

This morning, in our Ph.D. candidate English writing class, I submitted my presentation outline. Nowadays, I has so much feelings on research. So my presentation topic is: "How to do research? In my view." The outline, is provided by our teacher. It is good for our speech. The outline is as following:

Speech Outline for “How to do research? In my view.”
I. Reasons for this speech
a) The teaching plan requires it.
b) I have done so many works and some feelings on research and projects.
II. Purpose of this speech
a) Sharing the feeling on doing research with my classmates.
b) Discussing with classmates on how to do better research.
III. Statement of main ideas to be presented
a) Doing research is exciting and depressed. It’s a wave.
b) We should practise our abilities for all step of research
c) Doing project is needable for research.

I. First main idea: feeling of research is fluctuant
a) Exciting: reading good paper, flash ideas, best result, submit paper, your paper is hired, you paper is published in jourals, presentation in proceedings
b) Depressed: reversed to a)
II. Second main idea: upgrade you ability in each step of research
a) Find paper
b) Read paper
c) New idea
d) Experiment design
e) Quickly doing your experiment(coding for CS)
f) Analysis you result
g) Goto a)
h) Write paper
i) Send to proceeding and journals
III. Thirs main idea: Doing project is good for research
a) Formal feeling is not good
b) The goodness of doing project
c) The basic ability of project and research is in consistent.

I. Summary of significance:
a) Love research, keep going, you will do better
b) Keep learning everyday, the more the better
c) Project is needable for research
II. Recommandations
a) Keep enthusiasm and interest, they are best teacher for you.
b) Doing more, think more, you will do better in research

2 条评论:

  1. Comment's author: zy
    05/25/2006 03:51:02 PM

  2. Comment's author: Bill_Lang
    05/25/2006 08:19:08 PM
