
[Semantic Web]ABC

[Semantic Web]ABC
Step1: The birth May 17, 2001 on Scientific American

Title: The Semantic Web: A new form of Web content that is meaningful to computers will unleash a revolution of new possibilities
English Vision
Chinese Vision

Step 2: Primers and Guidlines

Title: The Semantic Web: A Primer
by Edd Dumbill
November 01, 2000
English Vision

Title: A Semantic Web Primer
English Vision

Totle: RDF Primer(W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004)
English Vision
Chinese Vision

Totle: Protege OWL Tutorial
English Vision

Step3: Papers on Journals

International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems
Journal of Web Semantics
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web

Step4: Papers on Proceedings

ISWC (International Semantic Web Conference)
WWWC(World Wide Web Conference) semantic web track
ESWS(European Semantic Web Symposium)
SWEB(International Workshop on Semantic Web Technologies in Electronic Business)
EKAW(Workshop on Knowledge Management and the Semantic Web)
SWDB(International Workshop on Semantic Web and Databases)
PPSWR(Workshop on Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning)

Step5: Your ideas and works


