
IRLab New Year Conclusion and Get-Together

This afternoon, our IRLab had the annual conclusion meeting and get-together. Prof. Tliu, who was director of our lab, gave us a wonderful report. In 2005, we had done so much works and achieved nice perfoemances. But we should be progrocessing with our works also. In the beginning, Prof. Tliu gave us a good method for annual conclusion. He opened the annual plan for 2005 writing at the beginning of 2005. He checked the items one by one, analyzed the result and reasons. I thought it was a good way for conclusion.

From 15:00, we started our annual celebrating activity of our whole lab. Yiheng Chen and Shiqi Zhao gave us a wonderful celebrating activity. In the chess competition, I won once in Chinese Chess and was defeated by Xincheng Yuan. We had a lot of wonderful games. Our TM group had nice behaves. Finally, we had a good dinner.

Nice day with a new year's coming. I loved such knid conclusion meeting and activity of our lab.

