
ICCV 2005

The tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision(ICCV 2005) had been hold in Beijing in these days. The host was Microsoft Research Asia(MSRA). This afternoon, there was a MSRA Open House for ICCV2005. At the open house, MSRA exhibited some of their recent works and demos, and provided an opportunity for chatting with MSRA researchers and with each other in a relaxed environment. MSRA also hosted a reception at the end of the open house.

Before four days, Eileen talked with our six guys about touring MSRA in ICCV Open house. She invited us as volunteers for guiding and introducing shortly to the researchers all round the world. It was a first-class international conference on computer vision. Then there were about three hounded visitors. MSRA arranged one visiting tour for MSRA. We would be the guides for them.

This afternoon, the tour was on schedule. In B1 meeting room, at first they joined in a short meeting on routine introduction about MSRA by Harry and two managers. Then it was the time for our guiding. We six volunteers called them in front of the four lefts. We divided people into many groups each with ten. After sent five groups into the lefts, I stayed there for arranging the others. But the other five volunteers did not return soon. Finally, I only brought the final 16 visitors to the 5/F.

Fortunately we had a short preparation before some days. I guided them 5/F first. Our route was lounge, zero room, poster show, family day show, East region, drinking room. There were many questions from the researchers. Then I led them to the ATC region in 3/F. They all liked my introduction.

After my first turn, there were only 5 people for my touring. I repeated the same route and introduction. During the whole process, we used English only. Many of them were interested in the common life of us.

After our guiding for tour MSRA&ATC, there was a very nice demos show. I believed they were very beautiful. I saw many new demos. On schedule, we six guys had a nice dinner with the visitors.

This was my first chance for joining in such conference. I received a business card. His name was Chengyang, Xu. He was a PhD in Siemens Corporate Research, Inc. He was a nice man.

2 条评论:

  1. Comment's author: jiangfei
    10/17/2005 07:34:51 PM
    Beijing is a wonderful city.You can breathe in a lot of fresh air and get speed up your growth.
    BTW: I constructed a space in msn Spaces and i'll
    move my original blog's documents ino it gradually .
    Welcome .

  2. Comment's author: Bill_Lang
    10/19/2005 04:16:49 PM
    Great~! Your new space is beautiful~!
