
The process of learning on computer application

I had such cognition that every body learns computer application from high to low level. It seems to be incomprehensible. You can read on my understanding.

When some body, who have never known and used computer, will be attracted by the wonderful interface and nice basic application. In terms of some all-known reasons, his first using operating system maybe Windows 2000/XP. He will be used to use Windows Office 2000/XP/2003 for his common requirement. After his enjoyment of much nice beautiful software, he would be like to learn programming. So he would choose some nice IDE, such as Miscrosoft Visual Studio. These tools are integration by many little tools. But those IDE software have some faults impacting the high level users. He would find out such faults and then try other tools. Under the main current, he will try command line style tools, like "dos", "Linux", and so on. Finally, he will be sensitive on tools for his requirement.

I had little feeling on one article, just above. The article is 完全用Linux工作,摈弃Windows. Maybe you will get some inspiration on it also.

