
Wonderful Presentation of Study Group

This afternoon, Guihong Cao and Shenghua Bao gave us two wonderful presentations respectively.

Guihong's topic was on his SIGIR 05 paper: Integrating Word Relationships into Language Models. As it's his own paper, he presented it in very detail. The main idea of his paper was combining co-occurrence and WordNet for Information Retrieval. In his talk, I knew that Lemur had the ability of language modeling. And it had three smoothing techniques. I had heard that it could be used for Information Retrieval. However, I heard its language modeling ability firstly. It's interesting and useful. I believed that I should mater more tools for NLP research. There was another measure for evaluation of information retrieval. It was non-interpolated average precision. It was used in TREC Evaluation.

Shenghua gave us a talk on Comparative Study of Name Disambiguation Problem Using a Scalable Blocking-based Framework. This paper was on Name Disambiguation. I thought it was a subtype of coreference resolution and could be viewed as person name coreference resolution. The only feature used was co-author of papers. There was a heuristic idea that we could do coreference resolution by web information. It was newly and could do lots of topics research.

Thanks them for their so nice talks. Next time, it was my turn to give presentation. There was only 13 days left. I should prepare it day by day.

