
Swimming & Research

I liked swimming now. I had tasted some nice feeling of it. This afternoon, Jianguo Du and Songnan Li came here for swimming by my invitation. This was my third time swimming in Beijing. At the second time, I only can breaststroke one time of twenty-five meters. At each end of 25 meters, I would inhale water. This afternoon, I tried more on breaststroke. Finally, I could swim 100 meters without inhaling Water.

I thought more about my progress of swimming. I found some link between swimming and doing research. Doing research, I believed the baseline system of your topic was very important. For construction the basic system, you should read many papers and design your architecture. Then you could make some simple modules one by one. Finally, you should link your modules, try once and evaluate it by some mechanism. The first done basic modules might be very poor. And your final system had very lower performance.

To swimming, you would be not able to at the beginning. Somebody will tell you how to swim and the motions. It was just like reading papers and knowing the whole architecture. Then you would have your own understanding about swimming. Then you would try to practice each motion. It was just like making each module. Affirmatively, you could not do best one each motions. You should try them one by one. In swimming, every fresh guy was excited. He would like to try the whole process at any time. So at first, he would fail once and once again. Only when he had done all the modules with better performance, he might success once. It was just like the baseline system of your research work. Then he tried the process by all means. Until now, he could understand the importance of each motion and try to upgrade them. During the process, his evaluation standard would change to be finer and finer. It's just like the first research experience on the baseline system. Then after fine feeling of each module during the running, each module would be improved. Finally the baseline system would become the best system. But this was the first method of swimming, based on the experience of the first baseline system, he would try other method. And after similar process, he would master more and more methods. And finally, he would link all the methods and found some commons and put forward some newly methods.

Yeah. Just like swimming, you must practice instead of keep standing on banks.

