
Reading(3):Architecture, Word, and Noun Phrase

This afternoon, we four VSs had the group discussion with Prof. Zhou. We finished our discussion at 18:30. It was late for super. We went to Luck of Four Seasons restaurant of B1 in Sigma Building. We four were so hungry to have supper quickly and full all. After a tiring day, we all wanted to return to BUAA for rest. But to my reading habit, I stayed here and read the third times of Natural Language Understanding.

Pages: 11~20 of Natural Language Understanding, second edition, by James F. Allen, 1995

NLU System Architecture:
The basic organization of this book was on three layers: syntax structure, logic form, and final expression of meaning. To each sentence, the intention relied much on its context. The context-free sense form of a sentence was its logic form. Logic form encoded possible word senses and expressed the relations between words and phrases. The final expression of meaning was the universal knowledge representation. Mostly, we used first-order predicate calculus ( FOPC ) as our expression language. Because it was fine-defined and well-known, the process of converting syntax structure and logic expression to final expression of meaning was named as context process. It included coreference and anaphora resolution, analysis the tense of sentence new information, confirming speaker's intention, and reasoning process of interpretation this sentence.

To chapter 2, English syntax outline
Word and noun phrase:
There were so many factors of word, such as tense, derivative, number, and gender. Noun phrase used for describing things, for instance, objects, place, concept, event, and quality. The most basic noun phrase included unitary pronouns, including ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘they’, ‘you’, ‘me’, ‘it’, and ‘I’. The other form was proper noun, such as "John" and "Rochester". The boundary of noun phrase was very complicated. For the ACE evaluation 2004, we had tried our best but achieved lower performance. There were so many situation of it that the best way was based on statistical analysis. Noun phrase might include specifiers and qualifiers. Specifiers could be categorized as article, demonstrative, possessive, wh-determiner, and quantifying determiner. Qualifiers included adjective, noun qualifiers. There were two kinds of noun: singular and plural.

When I was in the working days of a week, I only had the evening every day for keeping reading habit. I could not do some practice every day. So I might change my life habit. Maybe doing morning exercise was the better way for it. I could try the morning practice habit for my reading habit. Just another habit. Why not try again following the rules of how to keep a habit in my blog.^_^

1 条评论:

  1. Comment's author: Sofia
    09/03/2005 03:44:45 AM
    Veri nice site!
