
MSRA Winedown

What is Winedown? I did not know before this afternoon.
Gallen, who is an American student and seat beside me, told me that the form of Winedown came from MSR of Redmond, USA. It's a fraction of MS culture. This is the third Winedown of MSRA. The last two were in last year and March this year. This afternoon, from 16:00, Eileen began to hold the Winedown. Firstly, she reviewed simply the past two times Winedown of MSRA. In the clubs showing, as a leader, I showed Ping Pong Club and invited more friends to play with us. I used a Chat mode for displaying our information. I thought it is interesting and attractive.
With the help of my friends and me, Xiaoyuan Cui won the Best Slogan of our characters filling game. It’s very interesting of this form.
Finally, there was a birthday party for celebration the guys whose birthday was in this month. Jizhou Huang, our project member, was one of the birthday guys.
We all felt happy and took easy during the two hours Winedown. Thanks for Eileen, Haibin, Yu Ge, Jixu Chen and so many volunteers.

