
IRLab Basketball Match

This noon, when it came to 12:00, we all IRl=Lab members appeared on the basketball playground of our campus. We had the basketball match. The two teams were TR group of 2rd Floor and other groups of 6th floor. We were playing the full-court match.

During one hour's playing, I was in charge of backfielder. My guarding goal was Hu Xiaoguang. All the members of this match had hight morale. I did not play good. Our team had less training before the match. The final resukt was 25:24. Our team lost this match.

Summarizing about this match, we had the belief to win them next time.

1 条评论:

  1. Comment's author: Victor
    03/25/2005 10:24:36 AM
    Actually, you did a very good job.
