

This is a wonderful website!

It was set up by paws, xiaoyin and xiong before one year. I knew it when it began. But I tried it from this evening.

After so long time without practising programming, my program ability was very poor(I thought so.) The first problem was very easy. I passed it very fast. But the second problem spent me about two hours. As there were so many restrict of c language that I forgot.

Finally, my program passed the limit.

So wonderful and useful website. I would like to solve a problem per day.

Thanks to Paws for his recommendation.

2 条评论:

  1. Comment's author: Lou
    11/13/2004 10:33:31 PM
    Would you like to share this website with me!^_^

  2. Comment's author: Bill_Lang
    11/13/2004 10:52:43 PM
    its url is acm.hit.edu.cn
