After some discussion with Yhb and Dr.Tliu, I began to realize the first Summarization Evaluation method. It was based on the thoughts of Documents Classification.
Just now I had finished the programs and analysis the trend of the data. But the effect was bad. There were 100 groups human evaluation scores, but only three had the same trend with my results.
When I came back to my bedroom, I began to think for the reasons. The evaluation method was based on the document vectors using tf*idf values and calculating the similarity between the vectors. This method was considering only the words frequency without more information. But the four summarization systems were not only considering the words frequency. So my methods should be updated.
But how to update? The basic features that I could bethink of were used in the current summarization systems. If I use some of them, the final evaluating system couldt ake sides some systems. So I must use some other methods. What was the correct methods? This was a big problem for me currently.
Comment's author: lou
回复删除09/12/2004 08:57:31 PM
What a good habit of making diary!very very very...good!!!
Comment's author: Bill_Lang
回复删除09/12/2004 09:45:35 PM
Thank you,lou!
Welcome to my blog again!!