
Drift in Tieli

Having a drift in Tieli was a hope of us. Today this will came true.

We all went to Tieli at 7:00 this morning. After three and a half hours in our beach wagon, we arrived to the Tonglong manor. Have a simple lunch, we began to our main activity--Drift in Yijimi River.

We were excited on the rafts and labber to each other. The stream was not quick. We should row to pull our rafts.

We were not only labberring to eacher, but also playing with some strangers all the way. There were two times to stop our rafts at the strands. The persons who were late were labbered by the earliers. And the first time Yiheng Chen and Xueting Li were labbered by all of us. The second time Wanxiang Che, Yongguang Huang, and Huipeng Zhang were labbered by all of us.

All of us had enjoied this drift. Good time it was. I thought so.

