
ACL Workshop

This morning I translated the Front matter of the Relation of Discourse/Dialogue Structure and Reference '99 workshop of ACL. When I was doing this work, I felt a little that I was listenning their reports. Ok. I could read the first paper of this workshop tomorrow. The translated text document was as follows:

The Relation of Discourse/Dialogue Structure and Reference
Dan Cristea http://thor.info.uaic.ro/~dcristea/
Nancy Ide http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~ide/
Daniel Marcu


Dan Cristea http://thor.info.uaic.ro/~dcristea/
Nancy Ide http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~ide/
Daniel Marcu

Nicholas Asher(University of Texas) http://www.utexas.edu/cola/depts/philosophy/faculty/asher/main.html
Eugene Charniak(Brown University) http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/ec/
Udo Hahn(Freiburg University) http://www.coling.uni-freiburg.de/~hahn/hahn.html
Lynette Hirschman(MITRE Corporation)
Graeme Hirst(University of Toronto)
Massimo Poesio(University of Edinburgn) http://cswww.essex.ac.uk/staff/poesio/
Ehud Reiter(University of Aberdeen)
Michael Strube(university of Pennsylvania) http://www.eml.org/english/homes/strube/index.html
Wietske Vonk(Max Planck Institute)
Marilyn Walker(AT&T Labs Research) http://www.research.att.com/~walker/cv.html

星期一, 6月21日

8:35-8:45 欢迎
8:45-9:10 An Integrated Approach to Reference and Presupposition Resolution
Robert Kasper, Paul Davis, and Craige Roberts
9:10-9:35 Approaches to Japanese zero pronouns: Centering and relevance
Tomoko Matsui
9:35-10:00 Anaphora Resolution using an Extended Centering Algorithm in a Multi-modal Dialogue System
Haeksoo Kim, Jeong-Mi Cho, and Jungyun Seo
10:00-10:25 Knowledge-Lean Coreference Resolution and its Relation to Textual Cohesion and Coherence
Sanda Harabagiu and Steven Maiorano
10:25-11:00 休息
11:00-11:25 Posting and Resolving Bridging Anaphora in Deverbal NPs
Elena Not, Lucia Tovena, and Massimo Zancanaro
11:25-11:50 Discourse Structure and Co-reference: An Empirical Study
DanCristea, Nancy Ide, Daniel Marcu, and Valentin Tablan
11:50-12:15 Building a Tool for Annotating Reference in Discourse
Jonathan Decristofaro, Michael Strube, and Kathleen McCoy
12:15-1:30 午餐
1:30-1:55 Generating Anaphoric Expressions: Pronoun or Definite Description?
Kathleen McCoy and Michael Strube
1:55-2:20 Cb or not Cb? Centering Theory Applied to NLG
Rodger Kibble
14:40-15:00 Comprehension of Coreferential Expressions
Peter Gordon and Randall Hendrick
2:45-3:15 休息
3:15-3:40 Reference-based Discourse Structure for Reference Resolution
Helen Seville and Allan Ramsay
3:45-4:05 Reference Hashed
Frank Schilder
4:05-4:30 Logical Structure and Discourse Anaphora Resolution
Livia Polanyi and Martin van den Berg
4:30-4:45 休息
4:45-5:30 Discussion and Conclusion

