
The feature vector auto-extraction

Yesterday I had finished the noun phrase recognization task. But I was confounded by the feature vector auto-extraction module. Because the considering cases were too many to clear up them. And at ten o'clock last evening, I decided to process it today.

This morning, before the lab weekly meeting, I began to analyze the feature vector auto-extraction module. After my carefully consideration, I thought there were three big cases. And in each big case there were three little cases. After all the cases working glibly in my brain, I was happy. I could solve it.

This afternoon, I began to code the cases. And just now I had finished this task and tested it. But when I began to design the coreference resolution module I found I must solve the suffix problem.

Ok. The idea was clearly. I could realize it tomorrow morning. But now it's time to do the evening practice: haveing some jogging. Go!

