
IE for summarization

How can IE supply for Auto-Summarization? This is one of the IE big questions for me this week.

Fortunally there were some persons had researched and got good achievement on it. It was included in a paper which was named as Information Extraction and Summarization: Domain Indepence through Focus Types. The authers were of Department of Computer Science, Columbia University. Although it was written at April 2, 1999, I thought it was very newly for me. As said in this paper, IE could supply for Auto-Summarization. Likely to the common outline, to a original article, IE found out the name entities, the relationship between the name entities and filled some templates to the type of the common articles. Finally, the sentences which contained the most improtant information, would be chosen to combine a summary. In order to get more coherent summary, the final step was to change the order of the sentences. That is, the sentences' order of the summary would be not the same as that of the original article.

The idea is very fit for our recent demand. I think so.

